Буше Ф.
Francois Boucher
Франсуа Буше (1703 - 70), французский живописец, рисовальщик и гравёр.
French artist.
He created hundreds of paintings, decorative boudoir panels, tapestry designs, theater designs, and book illustrations.
He became a faculty member of the Royal Academy in 1734.
He designed for the Beauvais tapestry works and in 1755 became director of the Gobelins tapestries. In 1765 he was made first painter to the king, director of the Royal Academy, and designer for the Royal Porcelain Works.
His success was encouraged by his patron, Marquise de Pompadour, mistress to Louis XV.
Лепренс Ж.-Б.
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince

Фрагонар Ж.-О.

Jean-Honore Fragonard
БР и Младенец с ангелами и юным св. Иоанном Крестителем
Virgin and Child with angels and the young St John the Baptist Маркиза Помпадур
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Пейзаж с отшельником
Adoration of the shepherds
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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