Arizona memorial
The USS Arizona has rested in its watery grave at Pearl Harbor since December 7, 1941. The overturned hull of this battleship entombed 1,100 sailors caught unaware by the Japanese bombs that sank this mighty ship and brought the United States into World War II. The memorial was built in 1961 as a tribute to all the men and women who lost their lives on that historic day. The memorial is 184-feet long and carefully crosses over the Arizona's mid-section. Openings along the both sides of the memorial afford a dramatic view of the ship resting on the floor of the harbor. A marble-walled chapel at the far end of the memorial lists the names off all the sailors entombed here.

Admission is FREE.

Ample, free parking available.

Shirt and shoes are required at the memorial.

Navy shuttle boats operate from 8am - 3pm daily to bring visitors out to the memorial.

All visitors must view a short film before taking the shuttle to the Arizona. Tours begin every 20 minutes.

Tour of the museum, movie about the attack, and trip to the memorial takes approximately 2-3 hours.

Gift shop, snack bar, rest room facilities available on site.

NOTE: Recent increased security measures restrict certain items from the memorial area (i.e. fanny packs, diaper bags, camera bags, large camera, purses, shopping bags). Baggage storage is available on site for a nominal fee.

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