Сошествие Св. Духа
The source of this scene is based on "The Acts of the Apostles" (11:1 - 3).
On the 50th day after Easter the Holy Spirit descent on apostles, who had gathered together in one place. "And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting. There were numerous iconographic versions of this scene but there are few versions with the church in the center of the composition. It is widely known that the foundation of the Christian Church followed the descent of the Holy Ghost. Probably the painter refers to this fact. It is not unusual for Christian art that any event be presented simultaneously with further actions. In this connection, it is interesting to mention an original miniature from the X century (in the Egbert manuscript, X cent.) in which the action subsequent to the descent of the Holy Ghost is presented; when the apostles collected donations for the building of the church. Some artists depicted Virgin, others Peter at the centre of the apostles.
Антропов А.П.
Alexander Antropov Нефф Т.А.
T.A.Neff ~ Шебуев В.К.
Пермь: собор Спасо-Преображенский
Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов и БР
The Descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles and the Virgin

Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов

The Descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles
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